Category: Uncategorized

Amazon Photos & Cloud Backup In General Sucks

What’s the point of making a website / blog / LLC / career and building up a modicum of a following if you’re not going to use it as a forum for shitposting once in a while? Right? Right. I wouldn’t post something as stupid as this if it was possible to actually post something …

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Coronavirus Simulator

It seems that a lot of people don’t understand the purpose of flattening the curve with quarantine. I’ve made a crude simulator that demonstrates hospital resource exhaustion if the number of cases continues to grow at the current rate (25% per day as of March 22, 2020). Check it out:

Coronavirus Resources Page

Yeah, I’m worried / confused about all of this coronavirus stuff too. To that end, I’ve started collecting some useful links and information here, in Jason’s Coronavirus Page.

Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 2

First, you should probably read Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 1. August of this past year is a blur to me – a month remembered in terms of Minecraft. I spent the entire month enthralled with the possibilities the open-ended game allowed, playing most evenings and weekends, habitually. Early on in the game …

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Minecraft – A Software Engineer’s Experience Part 1

After years of pestering, my friend Justin convinced me to try Minecraft one evening this past summer. That was early in August. Thanks to Justin, I do not remember August, September, or October of 2014 in terms of real life – I remember these months of my life in terms of Minecraft. — That first …

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Pikmin – The Video Game Interview Question

For the past decade and a half, Pikmin has been my most favorite game of all time. As a software engineer with an affinity for automation, tooling, and efficiency – Pikmin struck a chord with me like no other game had before. Pikmin is a unique twist on real time strategy games (such as the …

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Codes well, struggles with being an adult.

When I was younger, I promised myself I’d never turn out like my parents and their always-frustrated, always-busy, sad circle of friends, and yet.. — When my grandfather was coming to town, he would mail a copy of a heavily detailed itinerary to everyone in Texas. He grew up in Texas, had his family in …

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Styling the Contextual Action Bar ActionMode Divider or Splitter for Android

The Objective Sea

Developers love to make lists. We’re not always great at organizing our lists or sharing them with the world, but boy do we love making lists. It seems like I learn about a great new library, or trick, or tool from a peer developer, or hacker news every few days. Earlier this year I started …

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Fix Crittercism’s lack of logging