Category: Java

Jetty maxFormContentSizeJetty not working? Here’s the fix

People are generally prescribing something like this to configure maxFormContentSize for jetty in the jetty.xml: In my experience, in 2024 with a recent version of jetty (9.4.53), this isn’t working inside apache’s karaf or in embedded mode within maven, and may not be working in other containers as well.

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Wicket 7 Debug Bar Empty? Add a DebugBarInitializer to your app.

In Wicket 7.12.0, adding a DebugBar to your page will result in an empty / useless debug bar if you don’t add a DebugBarInitializer to your app. Hopefully this will be documented by the wicket project in the future, but it isn’t right now.

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Java HashMap.hashCode() Not Unique With String Keys And Values

Java’s HashMap (AbstractMap really) hashCode() implementation sums the hash codes of its entries rather than multiplies them by a prime number like String.hashCode() does. This can cause weird collisions in very similar maps.

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Stopping Axis2 in unix

Maven build automatically removing a jar?

Getting LogBack to log to console with TestNG and IntelliJ