Author's posts

Correctness in the Real World

Music: Glitch Mob – Drink The Sea I failed calculus in college. I’m an applications guy, in that, if I can’t see the point, if I can’t see the payoff, I have a lot of trouble convincing myself effort is worthwhile. What happened was this: It was my first semester in college, and I took …

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The Trouble With Information

The troubling thing with professors not allowing students to cite wikipedia is the underlying truth that the debate hints at: everything you read anywhere has spin, misinformation, and exaggerated half-truth built into it. You can’t trust anything you read, unless you can prove the truth behind it. If your proof is Google PageRank style “Well …

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TortoiseSVN not importing some files? Fix your permissions.

Beware zombies w/ ARC.

App store rejection for immediate crash

One of the apps I work on, TumbleOn, had a new version of the app rejected during review because it “crashed immediately”. The troublesome part with the rejection was, we couldn’t reproduce it. Every device we could find and hook up to xcode would run the app beautifully. If you’re experiencing a similar problem, the …

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The worst salesman ever.

Fair warning, this post is filed in the ‘life & philosophy’ file, and it’s going to seem a bit tangental, but stick with me. I have a feeling many a programmer and otherwise intelligent readers will be able to relate. I hate funerals. It’s probably safe to say most people are not fans of funerals, …

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Stopping Axis2 in unix

Personal Success

I saw a pretty great movie today that inspired me. The past year or so has been an interesting one in my personal and professional life. In that year it feels like I’ve really honed in on what I really want in career and what personal success truly is. Personal success is not a dollar …

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Maven build automatically removing a jar?

How to excel at bash scripting

The trick to being good at bash scripting is to realize that nobody in their right mind would ever want to write bash scripts, but someone has to.