Author's posts
Jan 13 2012
Apps I Liked, 2011
Again in the “better late than never” category, here’s a list of apps I enjoyed in 2011. Apps I Used The Most Google Docs – I link to this on my home screen from a safari bookmark. Feedler – a great google reader client for both iPhone and iPad. Rhapsody – a music subcription service, …
Jan 03 2012
Music To Code By, 2011
A bit late with the ‘best of’ 2011 lists.. but better late than never. This is a list of some great music that I listened to in 2011. There are different modes of coding, sometimes you need absolute silence, and at other times a loud coffee shop is the way to go. I personally code …
Dec 01 2011
Runner’s Interval Timer 1.5
Runner’s Interval Timer 1.5 was released a few weeks ago. It contains a few new features worth mentioning. The most exciting new feature is the music playback controls that were added to the bottom of the interval timer screen, as show below. These playback controls make it easy for you to skip tracks, or pause/play …
Nov 18 2011
Midnight Ramblings: The Taj Mahal
A few years ago, there was a big cross-organizational management summit, and my division’s director was the host of the event. The whole point of the summit was to exemplify and foster cross-division collaboration, which was rare in the company (rare in any company of size, really..). Our division director purchased a massive 6,000 piece …
Oct 19 2011
Idea to iPhone Product, App Promotion
In my last post (Idea to iPhone Product, The Last Mile), I covered the ins and outs of pushing the final build of your application to the app store. That process will take anywhere from 1 to 2 months. That downtime will be a great timeframe to start up your promotional phase, if you haven’t …
Sep 30 2011
Idea to iPhone Product, The Last Mile
In the last post in this series, Idea to iPhone product, a brief howto, I covered the basic information you’ll need to get from a basic idea to a 1.0 product ready for app store submission. This post covers the “last mile” from the 1.0 build to your app being listed in the app store. …
Sep 24 2011
Idea to iPhone Product, a Brief How-to
About a year ago, my wife evaluated ten Interval Training applications on her iPod Touch. She and I were bewildered by how difficult it was to find an application that just made sense. All we wanted was something that made it easy to configure a couple of timers and a sound to beep when each …
Sep 24 2011
Is this thing on?
Hello everyone. They say I’ll be rich if I just twitter, facebook, and otherwise spam you with a nonstop stream of directed marketing until something catches on. I’ve never been a fan of all that. I’m a firm believer in contributing something more than advertisement spam to the world, so thats what I aim to …